Current ALPM Board Members

The ALPM Board is entrusted with the day-to-day management of the ALPM Cooperative. Meetings are held approximately monthly and interested members of the ALPM are invited to attend. Please contact the ALPM if you wish to be involved in the activities of the board.


Chair: Jeannie Rea

Associate Professor Jeannie Rea heads the community program at Victoria University teaching in gender, environment, advocacy and social change. A peace with justice and anti-nuclear activist since her early teens, she also has a long history in the labour movement including as national president of the National Tertiary Education Union.

Secretary: Bobbie Oliver

Bobbie Oliver is an historian and an Honorary Research Fellow at The University of Western Australia. She has published on the Australian peace movement and war resisters from the 1880s to the Vietnam War era.

Treasurer and Curator: Martin Bush

Martin Bush is a cultural historian of science communication at the University of Melbourne and a reasearch associate and former curator at Museums Victoria. Martin has been involved in peace and social justice movements since the 1990s. 

Board Members

Peter Herborn

Peter Herborn is a retired academic in town planning with interests in peace trails and landscapes. He has travelled to peace museums in Japan and Europe. He has contributed to the peace education and research in Sydney and regional New South Wales.

Dale Hess

Alexandra Pierce

Mali Rea

Geoffrey Sandy